The ICF Code of Ethics: CLICK HERE
The Updated Core Competencies: CLICK HERE
Requirements for the first level Credential (from the ICF website)
Associate Certified Coach (ACC) Credential
60+ hours of coaching education
100+ hours of coaching experience
10 hours of Mentor Coaching
Successful completion (passing score) of a performance evaluation
Successful completion (passing score) of the ICF Credentialing Exam
This includes the five parts of training – education, experience, Mentor Coaching, the Performance evaluation and the ICF exam. Four of these components are covered in the Loaves and Fishes training.
How does the training schedule work?
The sixty -hour training is divided into two parts. Part One is fifty hours of education, and Part Two is the Mentor Coaching and Performance Evaluation.
How does the training schedule work?
The education portion of the coach training is divided into four modules of virtual learning over six months.
The first module is a self -directed study of the text, Coaching for Transformation: Pathways to Ignite Personal and Social Change, by M. Lasley, V. Kellogg, R. Michaels and S. Brown, 2nd ed.
A guided reflection paper offers an opportunity to integrate the material as an introduction to the training.
The cohort training begins with a two -hour telelcass that covers the ICF Code of Ethics and the distinctions between coaching and other helping professions.
The second module is a 10-hour intensive over two and a half days.
The third module has nine (9) two-hour online classes over the next six months. These classes include some presentation on coaching competencies, and a significant experience of coaching practice.
The fourth and final module is a 10-hour intensive over two and a half days.
Modules two, three, and four have extensive coaching time and are highly interactive.
What are the requirements?
The program is delivered in the English language and is taught virtually, using a Zoom platform.
To apply or to get more information, contact the Loaves and Fishes Director, Dr. Laurie J. Ferguson at: info@loavesandfishescoachtraining.com
The application form can be found HERE (Microsoft Word).
Admission is on a rolling basis.
What are the costs and fees?
Complete Training Program (Parts One and Two) - 60 hours of training, Mentor Coaching, and Performance Evaluation, $4,500
Part One – 50 hours of education, $3,000
Part Two – Mentor Coaching and Performance Evaluation, $1,600
Mentor Coaching for Recertification - $1,300
Once you fill out the Online Application above, you will be contacted about payment options.
Payment plans available.
Refund Policy:
Registration must include a $500 deposit.
If a participant decides to withdraw after the course begins, refunds will be given on the following schedule:
Withdrawal up to three weeks before the program begins: full refund of what has been paid minus credit card fees (if paid by credit card).
Withdrawal from the three weeks before the start of the program until the conclusion of the first module: 50% refund minus credit card fees (if paid by credit card).
Any later withdrawal – no refund.